Help Raise Awareness about the Epidemic of Violence against Native Women in the U.S.

Download "To The Indigenous Woman"

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For technical issues contact Ginny Underwood at [email protected].


SHARE the message in our video with your friends through email and Facebook.

ADVOCATE for the full and prompt implementation of the Violence Against Women Act of 2013 to protect Native women and ALL women.

URGE YOUR ELECTED TRIBAL OFFICIALS to adopt a resolution supporting the full and prompt implementation of the tribal provisions of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.  

WATCH the thematic hearing on violence against Native women in the U.S. before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that took place October 25, 2011.  

SEND A LETTER to international human rights bodies to investigate, report, and comment on the United States’ actions and whether they meet international obligations.

EDUCATE yourself and INFORM others in your community about the epidemic of violence against Native women.

DONATE to our Safe Women, Strong Nation Project.

SIGN UP for Indigenous Notes, our e-newsletter, to stay informed.

For more information, please contact Jana L. Walker or Karla General at the Indian Law Resource Center at [email protected] or (406) 449-2006.