The Rights of the Land

Orion magazine November/December 2008 issue. The Onondaga Nation of central New York proposes a radical new vision of property rights.
Orion magazine November/December 2008 issue. The Onondaga Nation of central New York proposes a radical new vision of property rights.
The Indian Law Resource Center has been working for over 30 years to help the Mohawk Nation reclaim thousands of acres of land that is rightfully theirs.
In February 2005, the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (a traditional Haudenosaunee government), the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe , and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne signed an agreement with Governor George Pataki to resolve their historic claim to lands in Northern New York.
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News 10 Now online story.The Onondaga Nation files a massive land claim against the State of New York.
Times Herald-Record article. The St. Regis Mohawks in New York State signs an agreement with Governor George Pataki, from which they will receive money as well as the ability to build more casinos.
Times Union article. Pact could open door to creation of Catskills casino tribe would get $100M land added to reservation