August 9, 2023 – Today marks the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. While it is a day for celebration, it is also a day to acknowledge the hardships overcome and the ongoing rights violations endured by indigenous peoples around the world, including violations of the right of self-determination, criminalization of indigenous leaders, violence against indigenous women and girls, missing and murdered indigenous relatives, land invasions and land grabbing, environmental degradation, systemic discrimination, and unjust laws and legal frameworks. The Indian Law Resource Center has a long history of advancing indigenous rights by challenging governments and regional bodies to uphold the rule of law and by providing legal support without charge to indigenous communities throughout the Americas. Our work would not be possible without indigenous leaders and communities who continuously risk their lives to combat racism, discrimination, and oppression and to protect their lands and environment. Today is an important day, but we must strive to remain mindful year-round about the critical issues indigenous peoples confront daily