The Center Releases International Law Principles for REDD+

“Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” (REDD+) initiatives have been proposed as a means of combating climate change, while at the same time providing development opportunities for developing countries, indigenous peoples, and other communities who possess forested lands. For indigenous peoples and other forest communities, however, REDD+, poses significant risks. In order to reorient REDD+ to respect the rights of indigenous peoples and address substantial risks to their livelihoods and ways of life, the Indian Law Resource Center proposes the International Law Principles for REDD+: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Legal Obligations of REDD+ Actors

The REDD+ Principles identify a pathway to implement a human rights-based approach to development within REDD+ initiatives. The goal of the REDD+ Principles is to educate actors engaged in REDD+ and indigenous communities potentially affected by REDD+, regarding the human rights implications of these initiatives. For States and international agencies engaged in REDD+, the REDD+ Principles identify both the applicable international legal obligations and the rights of indigenous peoples that must be protected.

Please let us know what you think! The REDD+ Principles are put forth as a draft for discussion and improvement. We look forward to comments, suggestions, and alternative drafts. Please direct feedback to [email protected] or fill out our brief SURVEY.