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Words Into Action
Four years ago, on December 16, 2010, when the United States issued its statement of support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, it joined the world community in welcoming a new era of human rights.
Shining a Light on the Need to End Violence Against Native Children
UN Committee Calls for Intensified Efforts to Combat Violence Against Native Women
U.S. compliance with ICERD reveals more than 20 areas of discriminatory laws, practices, and policies, including violence against women.
Advancing Proposals in the UN
Indian nations and organizations are banding together to call for strong, action-oriented outcomes from the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
2013 Annual Report
In an effort to be environmentally sustainable, the 2013 Annual Report is now available on our website.
Letter to World Bank: Including Indigenous Peoples in the Bank’s Goals of Ending Extreme Poverty
WCIP Update
Preparations for the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples continue and the Center remains committed to supporting tribal nations and indigenous peoples to achieve lasting measures to improve the lives of indigenous peoples.
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent: Not the Right it is Made Out to Be
Coulter warns an FPIC approach to indigenous rights is backward, confusing, and can be a disservice to indigenous peoples.
Help protect indigenous peoples’ rights in Guatemala
Restoring Safety to Native Women and Girls and Strengthening Native Nations
Center releases an assessment on the readiness of Indian nations to exercise enhanced sentencing authority under TLOA and VAWA 2013.
Report: A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer
Center staff were on hand today at the release of the Indian Law and Order Commission’s final report “A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer: Report to the President and Congress of the United States.” The Report makes 40 substantive recommendations to improve criminal justice systems serving Native American and Alaska Native communities.
The World Bank, Indigenous Lands, and Development
Video and resources from the October 9 panel discussion, "Indigenous Peoples’ Lands and Development: World Bank Interventions and Lessons Learned" (More...)
New Video Campaign Launched
October 21, 2013 | Eight videos aimed at raising awareness of violence against Native women and redefining Native love are set to be released by end of the year. (More ...)
Timbisha leaders act to stop BIA election allowing outsiders to vote
October 11, 2013 | Tribal leaders file two administrative appeals to stop an election that would allow non-tribal members a vote on a proposed new constitution. (More>>)
Center at Human Rights Council Session in Geneva
September 2013 | Highlights from the Center's participation in the 24th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland (MORE...)
2012 Annual Report
Sec. Kerry: Make Indigenous Rights a Priority in Guatemala
Op-Ed by Armstrong Wiggins | May 31, 2013
Indigenous rights must be a priority for Secretary of State John Kerry during his visit to Guatemala next week. (in English..) (en Español...)
Survivor of Chixoy Dam in Guatemala Addresses UN
World Bank Discusses “Do Good” Approach for Indigenous Peoples
The World Bank held two critical meetings in Manila, Philippines, last month as part of its safeguard policies review process and its overall engagement with indigenous peoples. Center Senior Attorney Leonardo Crippa was invited to participate in the meetings as an expert on indigenous rights.
Guatemala's justice system continues to fail Maya peoples
Recent murders, kidnappings and wrongful arrests against prominent indigenous leaders incite call for unity and resistance. (More...) (See official statement in Spanish)
VAWA Reintroduced -- A High Priority for 113th Congress
Jan. 23, 2013 -- Identical bills for VAWA have been introduced in both chambers of Congress. Tell Congress to pass an inclusive VAWA Now! Keep their phones ringing!
Violence Against Native Women Gaining Global Attention
Recent Report by U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples says legislation protecting Native women should be an “immediate priority” in U.S.
2011 Annual Report
Treaty Rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples Call on UN to Improve World Bank Policies
Indian Law Resource Center delivers statement at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. CLICK HERE FOR MORE...
Securing Rights to Sacred Places with the UN Declaration
by Karla E. General* - The Declaration recognizes and affirms the rights of indigenous peoples to their cultural, religious, and spiritual practices, to have private access to sacred sites, as well as to maintain and strengthen their spiritual relationship with their traditionally held lands, territories, waters and coastal seas and other resources.
OAS to hold negotiations on draft American Declaration April 18-20
Using the Declaration to End Violence Against Native Women
by Jana Walker - Despite some strides in addressing violence against Native women, there is no doubt United States law falls far short of even the minimum human rights standards set forth in the UN Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples. Considering the United States’ trust responsibility to Indian nations, coupled with the standards in the Declaration, it is imperative that the U.S. act now to end the epidemic of violence against Native women.
Center's REDD-related Comments on FPIC Guidelines; Benefit and Risk Assessment Tool
The Center has filed additional comments related to REDD+ in our continued efforts to raise awareness of the importance of indigenous peoples’ rights in all efforts to combat climate change. We submitted comments to the UN-REDD Programme on two draft policies: the Draft Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Guidelines and the Draft Principles and Criteria and Benefit and Risk Assessment Tool.